Eltűnt Gyerekek nyomába - Missing children

Olyan oldal, ahol eltűnt gyerekeket mutat be, hátha lesz olyan valaki, aki rátalál. this is the page where you present missing children.


Azért közlöm ebben a menüpontban az AS Roma footbal club logóját, mert biztosan tudtátok, hogy a honlapjukon elérhető pár eltűnt személy fényképe? Európai eltűnteket közlök.
That's why I announce the As Roma football club logo in this menu item. You knew for sure that there were photos of some missing people on the team's website.I'm announcing European disappearances.

Kadri Rexha

Kadri Rexha went missing aged 17. He was last seen on January 12, 2019 in Luton, Bedfordshire.
If you have any information, please contact Missing People on 116000.

Malik Shorya

13-year-old Malik Shorya went missing on May 25, 2019 from Ixelles in Belgium.
If you have any information, please contact Child Focus on 116.000.

Son Thai Vo

Son Thai Vo was last seen in Kent, England in November 2017.
If you have any information, please contact Missing People on 116000.

Samuel De Vries

Six-year-old Samuel De Vries went missing from Calvia, Mallorca on November 26, 2018.

Khaled Laterche 

15-year-old Khaled Laterche was last seen in Grays, Essex in England on August 12 2019.
If you have any information, please contact Missing People on 116000.

Robert Williams

Robert Williams went missing from Neath, West Glamorgan in Wales in 2002. He was last seen aged 15 on March 22, 2002.
If you have any information, please contact Missing People on 116000.

Sandy Davidson

Sandy Davidson was just three years old when he went missing from Irvine, Scotland. He was last seen on April 23 1976.
If you have any information, please contact Missing People on 116000.

Mukhtar Tambis

Mukhtar, age 15, was last seen on April 20, 2019 in the Omonia area of Athens, Greece. He wore dark pants, a black jacket, and black sports shoes.
If you have any information, please contact the Smiles of the Child on 116 000.

Anelia N

Anelia went missing from the Ambelokipi area in Athens, Greece on April 9, 2019. She was age 14 at the time of her disappearance and was wearing white jeans, a black jacket, and white sport shoes.
If you have any information, please contact the Smiles of the Child on 116 000.

Themistoklis Efthimiadis

Themistokolis Efthimiadis was last seen on June 29, 2000 in Athens, Greece. Themistoklis went missing at the age of 15 and is 34-years-old today.
If you have any information, please contact the Smiles of the Child on 116 000.

Georgios Paraskevopoulos

Georgios, now age 37, went missing on June 23, 1992. He was last seen in Dimitra Gortiyana Village, Greece when he was 10-years-old.
If you have any information, please contact the Smiles of the Child on 116 000.

Finn Layland-Stratfield

Finn went missing from Tintagel, Cornwall at the age of 17. He was last seen on July 8, 2017.
If you have any information, please contact Missing People on 116000.

Ali-Sina Heydari

Ali-Sina Heydari went missing on May 2, 2017. Heydari was last seen in Lambeth, London when he was 15-years-old.
If you have any information, please contact Missing People on 116000.

Kevin Hicks

Kevin was last seen on March 2, 1986 in Croydon, London. He was 16 at the time of his disappearance.
If you have any information, please contact Missing People on 116000.

Jordan Ratcliffe

Jordan Ratcliffe was last seen in Manchester, England. Ratcliffe went missing on August 31, 2008 at the age of 16.
If you have any information, please contact Missing People on 116000.

Pasquale Porfidia

Pasquale went missing from Caserta, Marcianise, Italy, at the age of 8. On the morning of May 7, 1990, Pasquale was playing in the street with his friends before he disappeared unannounced. He is 37-years-old today.
If you have any information, please see the Missing Poster on the ICMEC portal for next steps>>

Mariano Farina

Mariano was last seen on March 31, 1992 in Palermo, Casteldaccia, Italy. He was 12-years-old when he and Salvatore Colletta allegedly ran away from home. Today Mariano is 39-years-old.
If you have any information, please see the Missing Poster on the ICMEC portal for next steps>>

Caroline Del Valle

Caroline Del Valle went missing from Barcelona, Spain. She was last seen in 2015 at the age of 14.
If you have any information, please contact SOSDesaparecidos on 649 952 957.

Khrystyna Savenchuk

Khrystyna Savenchuk was last seen in 2014 in Alicante, Spain. Khrystyna was 15 years old when she went missing.
If you have any information, please contact SOSDesaparecidos on 649 952 957.

Sara Morales

Sara went missing from Las Palmas de Gran Canarias, Spain in 2006. She was 14 years old at the time of her disappearance.
If you have any information, please contact SOSDesaparecidos on 649 952 957.

Yeremi José Vargas

Yeremi José Vargas was last seen in Vecindario, Spain at the age of seven. Yeremi went missing in 2007.
If you have any information, please contact SOSDesaparecidos on 649 952 957.

Damien Nettles 

At the age of 16, Damien Nettles went missing in Cowes, Isle of Wight. 22 years have passed since Damien’s disappearance on November 2, 1996, making him 39-years-old today. 
If you have any information, please contact Missing People in the UK on 116000.  

Lee Boxell 

Lee Boxell went missing from Sutton, Surrey on September 10, 1988. Lee was 15-years-old when he was last seen, making him 45 today.
If you have any information, please contact Missing People in the UK on 116000.  

Aamina Khan

Six-year-old Aamina was last seen in Croydon, London. Having gone missing on August 26, 2011, today Aamina is aged 13. 
If you have any information, please contact Missing People in the UK on 116000.  

Andrew Gosden

Andrew Gosden, now 25, was last seen on September 14, 2007, at King’s Cross Station in London. Gosden, who was 14 at the time, originally went missing from Doncaster, South Yorkshire. 
If you have any information, please contact Missing People in the UK on 116000.

Alexander Sloley

Alexander, know as Alex, disappeared without trace or apparent cause on 11 July 2008 from the London Borough of Enfield. He was 16 at the time he was last seen.
If you have any information, please contact Missing People on 116000.

Shemsnur Mohammed

Shemsnur Mohammedwent missing aged 17. She was last seen in Ilford, London on March 25, 2018.
If you have any information, please contact Missing People on 116000.

Hieu Thi Le

Hieu Thi Le went missing aged 15. She was last seen on February 23, 2017 in Thornton Heath, London.
If you have any information, please contact Missing People on 116000.

Kevin Roy

Kevin Roy went missing aged 14. He was last seen in Hayes, London on April 18, 2018.
If you have any information, please contact Missing People on 116000.

Malén Zoe Ortiz

Malén was last seen on December 2, 2013 in Mallorca, Spain. She was 15-years-old at the time of her disappearance. 
If you have any information, please contact SOSDesaparecidos on 649 952 957.

María Teresa Fernández 

María was 18-years-old when she went missing from Motril, Spain. She was last seen on October 18, 2000. 
If you have any information, please contact SOSDesaparecidos on 649 952 957.

Juan Pedro Martínez

Juan went missing from Madrid, Spain at the age of ten. He was last seen on June 25, 1987. 
If you have any information, please contact SOSDesaparecidos on 649 952 957.

Amy Fitzpatrick

Amy was last seen in Mijas, Spain when she was 15-years-old. She went missing on January 1, 2008. 
If you have any information, please contact SOSDesaparecidos on 649 952 957.

Angela Celentano 

Angela went missing from Monte Faito, Napoli, Italy, on August 10, 1996. Today, Angela is 26 years old, however, she disappeared when she was just three during an annual picnic for the religious community. 
If you have any information, please see the Missing Poster on the ICMEC portal for next steps>>

Domenico Nicitra

Domenico was last seen at the age of 10 in Rome, Italy. He went missing on June 21, 1993 while riding a moped in the popular ‘Primavalle’ district of Rome with his uncle Francesco. Domenico is now 36 years old.
If you have any information, please see the Missing Poster on the ICMEC portal for next steps>>

Salvatore Colletta 

Salvatore went missing on March 31, 1992 from Casteldaccia, Palermo, Italy. He was 15 years old when he and Mariano Farina allegedly ran away from home. Today, Salvatore is 42 years old. 
If you have any information, please see the Missing Poster on the ICMEC portal for next steps>>

Denise Pipitone

Denise was last seen on September 1, 2004 at the age of 3. She went missing from Trapani, Mazzara Del Vallo, Italy and disappeared while playing in front of her maternal grandmother’s house. Denise is 18 years old today and may be identified by a scratch under her left eye.
If you have any information, please see the Missing Poster on the ICMEC portal for next steps>>

Neve Adele Fiorentino

Fifteen year old Neve was last seen in Brescia, Italy. The minor, who the Juvenile Court of Brescia put in the care of the Social Services of the Municipality of Milan, was taken away by her mother.
If you have any information, please visit www.azzurro.it to report it

Jasmine Eleonora Sbaragli

Sixteen year old Jasmine was last seen in Lucca, Italy. The minor was taken away by her mother, a Somali citizen, who may have taken her abroad.
If you have any information, please visit www.azzurro.it to report it

Alessia Vere Schepp and Livia Chiara Schepp

The 14 year old sisters went missing in Saint Sulpice, Switzerland. The sisters were seen for the last time at around 13:00 near their father's house in Saint Sulpice, near Lausanne. Their father died after being hit by a train a few days after their disappearance, on the night between 3 and 4 February, 2011 near the Cerignola railway station.
If you have any information, please visit www.azzurro.it to report it

Karim Dhahri

Karim Dhahri, 14, was last seen in Reggio Emilia, Italy. On the morning of 13 May, 2005, the father of the minor, a Tunisian citizen, left home with his son for a walk and they never returned.
If you have any information, please visit www.azzurro.it to report it





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